I first met Irene Cozad, several years ago, at the Methodist Church in Lillian, Alabama. It was my first Zumba Gold class and I was excited but nervous because, being a perfectionist, I didn't want to look stupid. But I did because my arms, legs and feet seemed to have minds of their own and wouldn’t work together. Fortunately, I wasn’t alone since other newcomers were having similar problems too. We laughed after class, asked questions and got tips from Irene and developed new and sometimes lasting friendships.
From that moment on I decided to stick with it and I'm so glad I did. Irene's a wonderful teacher, her classes are always informative and fun and after about four weeks I started feeling stronger, more alert and my energy level increased significantly. I began to feel healthy again.
What is Zumba Gold? It is a class for active older adults who are looking for modified, lower intensity workout. Because this is a new class, the choreography will be simple and the movements slower to accommodate those of us who haven't exercised for a long time.
Below is the class information:
Where: Coastal Ballet Academy, 3786 South McKenzie Street, Foley, AL Phone: (251) 979-9851
When: Mondays at 9am
Dates: FREE class dates are on September 10th, 17th, and 24th In October 2018 the class price will be $5.00.
To download Irene's brochure, that includes her contact information, please click HERE
Hope to see you there,